Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hello to All!
Checking in from a roadtrip out west.  I thought that I would be able to use my Nook to blog, but I'm just not quite savvy enough for that, I guess.  So, I've had to wait until I could get to a hotel computer that's a little more user-friendly for the technologically challenged!

In the past several days, I've seen some of the most beautiful parts of our wonderful country....some that I'd seen before, but some, also, that were new to me.   In just one day, I saw 'amber waves of grain' AND 'purple mountain's majesty'!    I've found that life-changing events help us to view EVERYTHING with new eyes.  Beautiful things DO seem even more beautiful, but there IS that added 'bitter-sweetness' (a term that seems to be a big part of my vocabulary these days) that I'm seeing sites that I'll never be able to share with Chad.  I know I feel his presence there with me....but I miss that giggle!!

I'm concluding this trip with a quick jaunt back to Missouri for my mom's 80th birthday.  She has no idea that I'll be there, so shhhhhh....please don't tell her!  I looked at the Saxony soccer schedule and discovered that there is a soccer game on the Tuesday that I was scheduled to fly back to AZ, so I've changed my plans so that I can go and watch!  I anticipate another 'bitter-sweet' moment as I watch Chad's teammates take the field.  While I'll long to see him physically join them out there, I'll know that his spirit is right there with us!

I hope that all are feelings God's presence today!

Love to all,

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