I don't know that I've ever considered myself a 'true writer', and I don't know if I'm typical of others who write, but many times I 'write' in my head, sometimes several weeks, before I put my thoughts on paper. I've said that to say that I've been writing about THREE blogs in my head, and I've been a little preoccupied lately (which I'll address in a FOURTH new blog), and I hate that it's taken me this long to share our amazing weekend in Connecticut!
It really IS difficult for me to find words that convey all of the feelings we experienced that weekend! I think that, by now, I've sufficiently over-used the term 'bitter-sweet', but there's really no other way to describe what I was feeling that weekend! I have to say, though, that the sweetness FAR outweighed the bitter.
I was SO worried about being emotional as Annie-Laurie and I drove to the school on Friday night. I knew that stepping onto the Rectory Campus for the first time in a long while would be charged with so many different feelings.....the joy of being in a place that Chad SO loved, the sadness of the events that led to our being there, and the ache of once again 'seeing' him at his dorm, on the sports field, and just running around on campus as I watched the students going about their day. The first thing that I noticed as we walked across the campus was that I smelled the Easter Bunny.....and I giggled! If you've read my previous blogs, you understand what 'smelling the Easter Bunny' means!! Of course, it was the fragrance of the fresh mulch all over the campus, but I also knew that Chad was winking at me.... sending me a message that he was right there with us, and would remain there throughout the weekend. Truthfully, I believe that Chad spends LOTS of time on that Rectory Campus!!
It was SO good to give long awaited hugs to Kerri and Freddie Nagle, Chad's dorm parents, Claudia Abbott, Chad's tutor, and later, Paula Robinson, Chad's upstairs dorm mom. It truly felt like being home!!! That evening we enjoyed the school musical. The next morning, we brunched at Kerri and Freddie Nagle's home where we were able to get reacquainted with their older two children, Brooke and Brandon, who Chad considered his little sister and brother for the rest of his days, and the 'new to us' addition to their family, Ella, who is two-going-on-eighteen, or so!!! Chad anxiously awaited Ella's arrival, and though he never got to see her while he was here on earth, I have a feeling he's spent lots of time watching all three Nagle children during this past year.
After brunch, we made our way to campus to arrive just in time for the conclusion of the Rectory Regatta, a race involving boats which the students had made themselves. It was here that we first met Bill Abbott, Claudia's husband. (More about Claudia and Bill to come.)
That afternoon was the dedication ceremony...the most beautiful and touching ceremony I believe I've ever witnessed! Mr. Fred Williams, the Headmaster, opened with a lovely tribute, in which he shared that, as he'd gone that morning to look at the garden to be sure that all was in order, something caught his eye just off to the right of the garden. As he looked closer, he realized it was a stray lacrosse ball. Chad had learned to love the game of lacrosse while he was at Rectory, and spent LOTS of time walking around with his lacrosse stick and 'cradling' the ball (it's what lacrosse players do, apparently). Another little wink from Chad, I think. Claudia Abbott read a beautiful poem, which I'll share later in the blog, and a description of the garden written by Jen Fuller, the woman who created the beautiful garden. Jen couldn't be there that day, but I DO hope to have the opportunity to thank her for her amazing creation, and to give her a hug in person, as I've already hugged her many times in spirit! Freddie Nagle then gave the most heart-warming tribute to Chad....spoken straight from his heart, and reaffirming what I already knew.....that he and Kerri were the best two people that could possibly have been Chad's dorm parents, friends, and extensions of me during that time in his life!! I've no doubt that God chose them for that task, and they so much more than rose to the occasion!! The ceremony was concluded with a beautiful rendition of Somewhere Over the Rainbow, performed by several of the Rectory students, a few of whom shared with me later that they remembered Chad while he was there. Somewhere Over the Rainbow has long been one of my favorite songs, but it holds new meaning for me today. I hadn't thought of it in the context of Chad's journey, but it DOES seem to fit perfectly!
On Sunday, the Nagles, Paula, Chad's soccer coach Tom Washburn, and another of Chad's tutors, Jamie Johnson, were welcomed into the Abbott's beautiful home for cheesecake, Chad's favorite, which Claudia had made for his birthday the year that he was at Rectory. It was a beautiful time of sharing in one of the most breathtaking and serene settings I've ever experienced. The Abbotts' home is truly like something I believe I've read about it books. Claudia and Bill's families owned neighboring farms, which is how they met as children and fell in love. They truly are a couple who, without saying a word, exhibit everything that the word 'partnership' means. It takes but a few minutes' time in their presence to feel surrounded by their love for each other, and for others, as well. Claudia, Chad always said, reminded him of my mother. And I can see, and feel, that resemblance!
It was difficult to leave Connecticut, knowing that it will be awhile before we'll go back for a visit! Since Chad's time at Rectory, I had always referred to the people there as 'Our Connecticut Family', and our trip there only etched that feeling SO much deeper into my heart. As I think about the Nagles, the Abbotts, Paula, the Riccis, Mr. Newman, the students who Chad knew, and all of the people who came to the dedication ceremony, I feel SUCH a rush of warmth and thanksgiving that each and every person there was placed in Chad's path, touching so many lives, but touching MY son's life. It wasn't by coincidence, or by fate......it was God's divine plan that these people be placed at Rectory during that particular moment in time, and I'm SO grateful to Him for that!! And SO glad that they will forever be in MY life! Rectory Family, I love you all more than you know!!
Claudia's Beautiful Poem
The cardinal's song is a melody
Sung on the coldest of days
His presence brings us serenity
And safe in our hearts he stays
This garden embodies his spirit
While his wings continue to fly
His earthly presence we feel it
That's why we won't say good-bye.
The Nagles
The Abbotts
Annie-Laurie and Paula Robinson
The Band