Tuesday, September 6, 2011

The Best Things

Wishing for a good evening for all....

I'm having an introspective evening....thinking about life, and what comes after.  I've just heard of another angel who got his wings too soon....at least too soon in our way of thinking.  We, of course, KNOW that God know's what He's doing, but that doesn't always keep us from questioning.  Why are some of us taken so suddenly, while others of us are taken gradually?

"We were made for so much more than the things of this world.  Sometimes, we can sense this.  We have a feeling that, despite our best efforts, we don't quite belong here, that this is not our final destination.  We have deep hungers and thirsts that cannot yet be satisfied.  In fact, when we try to make this world our home, our ultimate security and place of comfort, we simply end up feeling disappointed or empty.  This is why a great saint of the church was moved to write, 'Our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee'".  (Taken from the Introduction to the book, The Boy Who Came Back From Heaven by Kevin and Alex Malarkey). 

When I read this a few days ago, I thought, "What a perfect description of Chad'.  He WAS made for so much more than earth, and I know that he knew that.  It's a perfect explanation for the discontentment that he so often felt.  I truly believe that Chad was destined for more, and this gives me peace. 

As I think further, though, I realize that this quote is a description of all of us!  We're ALL meant for more than this!  Though some of us are taken to this greater destiny much sooner than we'd like, and others of us are left here to share our long acquired wisdom for years upon years, we're, all of us, meant to achieve a much greater level of living.

I heard someone illustrate death with birth.  We leave the comfort of a warm and quiet womb under our mothers' hearts, the only existence that we've known, and enter a world that must seem SO cold and loud and bright to a newborn.  Our first reaction is to cry.  But as we become accustomed to this world, we certainly are glad that we endured that harsh entry, because life outside of our mothers' bodies becomes a very good thing, for we are free to run, and jump, and play, and form relationships with others! 

 Death must be just like that.  We leave the comfort of life, the only existence that we remember, and enter the unknown.  I believe that once we enter into that new life with our Heavenly Father, we have that same feeling that, while life as we know it is very comfortable, our heavenly lives will become such a 'good thing' that we certainly would never wish to go back, for we will be free....in the TRUEST sense.

This thought, too, brings me peace, as I am able to picture Chad in his heavenly home each day....becoming more accustomed to the newness, and feeling quite at home there.  I've begun to start my days by thinking, 'I wonder what Chad's up to today?'  It's good to know that, while he's not still with us in our earthly lives, he, in fact still IS....and he's doing so well....experiencing the 'good things'....the BEST things!

Life IS so good!  But what a blessing to know that there's something SO much better waiting for us....and so many loved ones waiting for us there!

I pray for a peaceful night for all of you.  I have some friends that I'd like for you to remember in your prayers tonight.  God will know who you mean.

Love to all!

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